Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Moved in

We are sorry we haven't been really good at keeping this updated on a regular basis.
As of 10/31/2007 we are moved in! And no the house still isn't finished. What we have right now is drywall on almost all the walls upstairs, only cold water running to the two piece en suite bathroom, no heat except for space heaters, and a front deck with no stairs.
We are almost done the siding and fascia. We have free carpet and hardwood from an uncle, it may not be pretty but it will help us get the mortgage. We are hoping to be complete upstairs by the end of January, that's when the kitchen should be getting here.
Life is hectic right now but it is a real blessing to see the house really coming together, less envisioning and more seeing!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Mad Dash

Things are picking up now as we race against the frost. Our first priority is to seal up the house and then insulate. Of course, in our way stands elecrical wiring, plumbing, heating/ventilation, and pouring the basement! Times are very crazy indeed. To recap on some past progress here are a few more photo galleries.

We ask for your thoughts and prayers so that we may be strengthened to finish the job and move in. And if you have a couple free hours, we'll take some help too! :D


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Where to begin..

Ok so we're back on track. Actually, that's a lie. We've been racing like crazy since June. I've just been too busy (aka lazy and dog tired) to update our blog. Things are moving along quite well. Having been laid off in May had been an odd blessing. Had I not been fired I would not have had the time to work on the house and the would have caused much grief. As for a new job etc, I have no clue. Ask me again in six months.

Right now we are framing the main floor. I am also officially sick of chainsawing, shoveling, and waking up with arthritic hands. But every day God gives us the strength to carry on some how!

So instead of supplying this post with a ton of pics, here are some links to my photobucket galleries where you will find snapshots of our progress. Soon we should be up to date on those as well. :D

God bless!


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Challenging Times

So last week things really changed in our lives. I no longer work for Penney Cooper Design and Marketing ( Thus I am currently looking for new employment which may take us to another city. We don't know why God is letting this happen or where He will take us from here, but we continue to pray and I continue to search for new employment.
This means, of course that the project is on hold. The title of this blog is still true, but we need you help more than ever now. Please pray for us. And if you hear of something in Graphic or Web Design, or someone giving aways millions, drop us a line! :)

God Bless,

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More Photos!

So here's some more photos of...clearings!

We can see in from the road now! Driveway coming soon. :)

View of Alysha's parent's house from our opening to the road.

Moving on down our imaginary driveway toward the house site.

Um ya, still's just so pretty.

In the house site, minus the house.

Our beautiful back yard and septic bed area.

A view of the road from inside the lot.

So next time you tune in the should be a driveway!!


Monday, January 29, 2007

I am Alysha, the wife.
I know you haven't heard from be but I figured it was time. I would like to say I am the brains of the operation but well... ok so its true I am. Ok so maybe half the brains. I visualize and shop for materials. It may not sound like a big job to you but you probably have never had to decide what style of rib you want for the steel roofing or what type of septic tank or what to put as flooring in the main entry, yeah I thought so! I am a little daunted by it all as well.
I am trying to remember that if God brings us to it He will bring us through it!
I hope to be speaking to you all again.

Monday, January 15, 2007

"The sorta, kinda, and really not set in stone Plan"

Here it is for your viewing pleasure. There are more drawings, but this is the one I drew in AutoCAD. Best view in a new window. Just giv'er a click.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Yes, we are still building a house!

It's been several weeks, but I've popped in to give a brief update. Yep, this is Toby and things have been busy enough to keep the mood up.
I have been working at putting the drawings into AutoCAD Architectural Desktop. Nifty program. Soon I will have something up for all to see. :P Yesterday wasn't too busy, but during the Christmas holidays John, Luke, and I cleared a lot of trees. Once again I bow to the chainsaw skill of John. And to the power of the chipper and tractor. Machines sure can come in handy. Today there was no house work getting done, but we did burn some wood. That was fun.. :)
So below are photos of the property and the woodpile burning..and Amos! He sure is getting big. :D